Create outside the box with Round Frame
Whether you’re about to buy your first pack or are a die-hard fan, Round Frame instant film gets the inspiration flowing. To guide you on your way, we’ve called on three artists to give you their top Round Frame tips from idea through to experimentation.

Reframe your approach.
- Alessia Amati, @alewino

“If you think about it, human vision is rather spheric. It is round for sure. Not a horizontal or a vertical rectangle. A round frame is the best way to show what you see.”
- Urizen Freaza, @urizenfreaza

Own the circle.
- Alessia Amati, @alewino

- Urizen Freaza, @urizenfreaza

Check your frame.
“Don't put the main subject in the center unless you want to put it in the center. Turn the camera around, if the composition is the right one, it will still work! It might even improve. And this is pretty obvious, but remember, the stuff on the corners of the viewfinder won't be there!”
- Urizen Freaza, @urizenfreaza

Go to the edge — and beyond.
- Eli Beristain, @eli.beristain

- Alessia Amati, @alewino